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A member registered Jan 30, 2018

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The games movement has to be the best I’ve ever experienced in a game. Everything flows amazingly, everything links well, and it doesn’t seem to pad your inputs too much to make it work. Seriously blew me away, I don’t feel like I can ever go back to a game with limited movement (my hands were hating me playing any other game because it just didn’t feel as good).

The one aspect I feel the need to comment on is the controller support: I had issues with it keeping my layout within game, and often I couldn’t exit the menu without opening it again to find a different layout. It seemed as if keyboard input could also be input by the controller. If there was an option for controller exclusive inputs it’d go a long way.

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Any chance an epub/mobi file with the rules will be made available in the future? The PDF is beautiful but can be a struggle on smaller ereaders. Even a plaintext would be nice…

This is a great base for making characters! Thank you! What are your rules for using it in a game?